Jan 28, 2022
Deploy quickly without never-ending yaml configurations.
Combine kustomize and helm for best results. From helm, use the prebuild manifests and default values, and from kustomize, use the pulling mechanism for helm charts and overlays for further configuration.
Let’s first start with configuring the base by specifying the chart, version, repo, namespace, and default set of values:
- name: vault-secrets-operator
repo: https://ricoberger.github.io/helm-charts
version: 1.16.5
releaseName: vault-secrets-operator
namespace: vault
valuesFile: ./values.yaml
includeCRDs: true
Next, let’s go ahead and provide further customization by specifying overrides with overlays:
- op: replace
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/18
value: my-secrets
We gained a lot by using this combination:
kubectl apply -k dir/
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