Nov 1, 2021
The usual approach to consume cloud services from Kubernetes is to create a service account with the appropriate permissions, generate a key, store that key in some secure location, create a secret with that key during deployment, and mount it into a pod for the workload to consume. The biggest downsides in this scenario, are twofold:
GKE’s workload identity solves that problem by avoiding the use of a service account key in the first place. Instead, it allows us to bind a GCP service account and a Kubernetes service account which gives us access to the cloud service we want to consume.
Let’s first verify that Workload Identity is enabled:
gcloud container clusters describe my-cluster --format="value(workloadIdentityConfig.workloadPool)" --region=us-central1
gcloud container node-pools describe my-pool --cluster=my-cluster --format="value(config.workloadMetadataConfig.mode)" --region=us-central1
Make sure we have both service accounts:
gcloud iam service-accounts describe
kubectl get serviceaccounts/my-k8s-svc-account
The Kubernetes service account should be annotated:
kubectl describe serviceaccounts/my-k8s-svc-account
A binding between the two service accounts should exist with the workloadIdentityUser
gcloud iam service-accounts get-iam-policy
- members:
role: roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
Once the workload is deployed, you can exec into a pod and confirm that you are automatically authenticated to GCP:
gcloud auth list
One important caveat. The GKE metadata server connection can have a few seconds lag. This can be solved by either retrying in the workload or using an init container.
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